About Me — The Last Adventurer

About Me



All of the activities that are described in my site involve traveling to outdoors and or remote areas and then conducting some sort of physical activity in that area (from mild to strenuous, from safe to dangerous, and all in between). As with any activity, there are potential dangers involved. These potential dangers can include, but are not limited to: 1) travel issues; 2) terrain issues; 3) weather issues; 4) animal issues(including people, people are animals); 5) non-animal issues (BUGS! And or...aliens?); 6) navigation issues; 7) injury and or death issues. In this regard, be safe: know that you and you alone are responsible for your own safety, so: 1) be fully prepared for anything (yes, anything); 2) be in good physical condition should the situation call for it; 3) know how to use/read a map/GPS/read road signs; 4) have the proper equipment (including the two most important things: FOOD and WATER; 5) anything else that you think you need/need to do.
